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evil_genius said about Susan Pevensie
i think Susan sucks cuz she stopped believing in Narnia. Posted over a year ago
evil_genius said about Agatha Christie
'and then there were none" is my personal favorite Posted over a year ago
MaxandMart commented…
I loved "and then there were none" also. The theme has been used in many other shows since. I am not sure if the younger folk realize that it was AC's theme. over a year ago
evil_genius said about Lair
talk about forever alone...
by the way, what's the club about? i mean, i know its about dragon riders, but what kind? because different sources ( books, movies, video games,etc.) interpret riders differently. is it 'bout riders in general? no offence, but thats kinda lame 'cause there's already a dragons' club AND an eragon club AND a fantasy club (which combines both) so i don't think you're gonna find many takers...just saying! Posted over a year ago
Ajaxranstone commented…
By the time it took me to reply, you'd think I'd have given up by now... I kinda have. ha! This was a cover release game for the playstation 3 back in the day. It was about these two kingdoms in a religious war, one side with the firedragons ans religion centered nation, and the other side with the frost dragons, and steampunk technology. The game follows a young "sky guard" named Roan, who fights for the firedragons side at first, but begins to question the right of the religious leader, and the ethics of the war. SUMMERY: Starkiller meets eragon, and the Vatican is fighting the steampunk "Laviathan" (Scott westerfeild).. lol over a year ago
Ajaxranstone commented…
you are right though, I didn't think this one out very well... Next life maybe.. ;) over a year ago