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Harry Potter Question

In your opinoin, does snape deserve evrything James did to him in the chapter Snapes Worst Memory in the Order of the Phoenix?

Please giv a full response I've tossed this one around alot and now I want ur opinion. Please don't copy I want different answers on this so don't hold back!

I think you got what you asked : a full blown debate with many opinions. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to defend our beloved Potions Master !
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

bri-marie said:
Of course not! Nobody deserves to be humiliated like that, ever. Much less for no reason and in front of so many people.

EDIT: Since it's already starting, I'd like to point out that Lupin and Sirius confirm everything Harry heard and saw in the pensieve. They admit that it was all true. I'd also like to say that saying Severus deserved that because of how he behaved more than twenty years later is utterly ridiculous.
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posted over a year ago 
Exactly, and James' behavior in that memory was so reprehensible, that Harry even wondered if James had forced Lily into the marriage.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
I would add that while Severus endured abuse at home, like Bri said, James was brought up in a loving environment. His harrassing others at school (not only Severus) is even less acceptable. He had not excuses.
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
I agree.
Kylie90210 posted over a year ago
BlackHound said:
I think it's easy for some people to forget that Severus Snape was not the only individual James Potter and Sirius Black were tormenting.

If Severus hadn't been around, some other student likely would have been their main target.
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posted over a year ago 
Once again, I agree. James was an "arrogant toerag".
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
How do we know that James was jealous of Snape being a Slytherin? I never once got that impression. Also, while it's fair to say that Snape was a better student than James, we don't actually know this as fact.
Kylie90210 posted over a year ago
ya i never got the impression that he wanted to be a slithering. where did u get that idea
loverofthearts posted over a year ago
xElvenPiratex said:

In no way whatsoever did Snape deserve the treatment that James gave him. James singled him out from the first moment he saw him on the Hogwarts Express, when Snape had done absolutely nothing to him. After years of facing abuse at home and having no one to turn to outside of Lily, Snape was finally getting the opportunity to start a new life at Hogwarts, but he arrived at King’s Cross, innocent and hopeful, only to find that the cycle of abuse would ruthlessly continue at the hands of the Marauders. He was never even given the chance to fit in.

There’s only so much pain and abuse a person can take before they lose the ability to empathize with other humans, and I think Snape reached that point after Lily’s death. I'm not excusing Snape’s actions as an adult - he should never have treated Harry the way he did (or Neville, for that matter). But you have to consider that Harry being ill-treated by Snape was the direct result of James's actions as a teenager. James chose to bully someone who was already in desperate need of acceptance and love, which, in turn, resulted in adult Snape doing exactly the same thing to James’s son, Harry.

We've all seen the incredible depths of Snape’s capacity to love – imagine what kind of a man he could have become if he had been treated well at school! So much pain could have been avoided if James had simply chosen to share the love he was shown at home, rather than attack the ones who needed it most.

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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you here... However, I have to point out that having been through the bullying by James, Snape should have not inflicted the same thing on Harry, and indeed realised that he and Harry were not that different. They both got picked on at school, and came from bad families. The difference is that while that's all that Snape had to deal with (which is bad enough) Harry also had a teacher who hated him and picked on him for no fault of his own. Yes, in the end he finds out about Snape's sacrifice, which he is obviously thankful for, naming Albus Severus after him, but it does not excuse what Snape did to Harry, he should have known better. No, he DID know better.
Kylie90210 posted over a year ago
I do agree that Snape should have been able to see the similarities between himself and Harry, and I think that if Harry hadn't looked so much like James, Snape would never have been so cruel to him. But he DID look like James, and I think that from the moment Snape saw Harry, part of him reverted back into the tortured little boy he used to be. Deep down he never got over being bullied, and seeing Harry every day must have seemed like the past he'd been trying so hard to overcome was slapping him in the face. It wasn't Harry that Snape truly hated, it was James, and unfortunately, because of Harry's physical similarity to James, Snape wasn't able to separate the two. Again, I'm not excusing his actions, but I at least understand where he was coming from.
xElvenPiratex posted over a year ago
I totally agree. Well said.
MrsEmmaPeel posted over a year ago
emmarupertluver said:
No!! The only reason James did that to Severus was because he wanted Lily but that move made Lily hate James even more. And really no one, especially someone who had it ruff already, shouldn't be humiliated that way. Also Severus wasn't even doing anything to James he was just minding his own
business. But of course James had to get his nose into
everyone else's business. My God, James gets me wound up. Really, you feel for each and everyone of these characters. I remember sitting in the theater with my older brother and sobbing my eyes out when Crabbe died (even though I'm a
Gryffinclaw). And everyone kept telling me to "Shut Up!" but I
wouldn't. Thank you J.K. Rowling; for giving me the best
childhood I could have asked for and letting Hogwarts always be there to welcome me home. I also give thanks to these people; Daniel Jacob Radcliffe, Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint, Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson, Matthew David Lewis, Evanna Lynch, Bonnie Wright, Tom Felton (The BIG Seven),
Ralph Fiennes, Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, Maggie Smith, Richard Harris (R.I.P.), Michael Gambon, Jason Isaacs, Helen McCroy, Ian Hart, Natalia Tena, Oliver Phelps, James Phelps, Julie Walters, Gary Oldman, Warwick Davis, Richard Griffiths, Alphie Enoch, Scarlett Byrne, Robert
Pattinson, Clemence Poesy, David Thewlis, Will Dunn, Ellie Darcey Aiden, Jim Broadbent, Rob Knox (R.I.P.) and anyone who participated in this magical, unforgettable, life-changing, glue, inspiring, good, fabulous, great, legendary, hysterical, sublime, alright, spiffing, ...phenomenal world. LONG LIVE HARRY POTTER!
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posted over a year ago 
Kylie90210 said:
I would say no, but with a side note. We don't know exactly what Snape used to do to James, if anything, to be able to put the full blame on James. I know James and Sirius say 'it's more the fact he exists,' or something, but we don't know this is true. Also, while James did torment Snape, Snape tormented Harry for a lot less, and in a position of authority. He humiliated him on numerous occasion, in different circumstances yes, but none the less.
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posted over a year ago 
Lupin and Sirius confirmed everything Harry heard and saw in the pensieve...
bri-marie posted over a year ago
He was locked into a life he didn't want because he agreed to protect Harry, because he loved Lily and he was partly responsible for her death. And when it comes right down to it, he was emotionally stunted. Ultimately, Kylie, what it boils down to is that Snape was a bastard. He was an absolute, complete bastard. He wasn't as a child, but he grew into one, partly because of environment, partly because that was what he chose to cultivate. This fact does not in any way justify what James did to him at 15, does not excuse his treatment of Harry as an adult, nor diminish the fact that he dedicated 17 years of his life to protecting the son of his hated rival, because of the love he had for the boy's mother, whom he eventually died for.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
Perfectly worded :)
Kylie90210 posted over a year ago
jhakanaka420 said:
we have always seen things from Snape's point of view.i don't think Snape was all that helpless sort of school he invented spells like Sectumsempra and already was going to the dark side.what he did at school is not known to i won't go blaming James for everything
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posted over a year ago 
loverofthearts posted over a year ago
loverofthearts said:
to be honest he does because of the way he treated lily. if he really loved her he woudnt have said those things. though maybe james didn't act the best way possible, snape was not a very nice person around them. may i remind ppl that he called lily the "m" word

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posted over a year ago 
May I remind YOU of what was happening to him at the moment he said what he did? What James Potter was doing is almost like rape. AND IN PUBLIC. Yes, I said it. How the Hell would you feel if you were in HIS place?
BlackHound posted over a year ago
Add to that the fact that he's being defended by *a girl*. Younger fans, especially younger female fans, might not get it, but really, no guy that's just been humiliated wants to be defended by a GIRL. That just makes it worse. Sometimes people forget that this is 1970's BRITAIN. There's a whole lot going on with this whole thing that many people don't think about. He would have felt even worse because he was made to look weak and helpless in front of the girl he loved. No man, no matter his age, wants to be reduced like that.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
loverofthehearts I agree, I just don't get when people admires Severus love for Lily . If Snape truly loved her, he would know that she wouldn't like at all to see how he, mistreated, and humiliated her child, Harry. Is that truly love?
HotshotChick posted over a year ago
kaatie said:
Of course not! Nobody ever deserves being bullied like that or even bullied period. While I suspect Snape wasn't exactly innocent in the war between him and James, it was still a wrong thing to do. This doesn't make James a bad person though- he was only 15 and very immature back than. Just because he once was a bully doesn't mean he continued to be one throughout his entire life.
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posted over a year ago 
Exactly. Although we will never know, there must have been some reason Lily chose to be with James.
Kylie90210 posted over a year ago
jameswilson said:
No! James and Sirius were jerks. Actually that's one of the holes in the story I hope Rowling fills in Pottermore - how the heck did James win Lily over? She hated him and he was definitively a jerk at Hogwarts. Obviously he turned into a standup guy by the time he was an adult, and probably previous to his Hogwarts graduation. I want to know if simple maturing grew him up or if something else happened that turned him around!
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posted over a year ago 
she said that he stopped bullying ppl and lily fell in love with him
loverofthearts posted over a year ago
Interesting ... I wish there had been more literature about that - I'd be interested to read more on their story. Hooray for Pottermore! (Where I hope we'll get to find out even more)
jameswilson posted over a year ago
rere14 said:
No snape doesn't deserve it,and it was made sense that he still hold grudge to James, James was a bully, he was a bully but he's matured, I don't know how much he matured but it's enough to get lily, so I say it was good enough, and for all you think James get away from his misbehave, I think you wrong, he's got his karma, in afterlife he saw his son bullied by his cousin, for me that's a punishment for him. what you do will come to get you in the end, but it's even worse if that karma get to your child instead.
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posted over a year ago 
The sins of the fathers are visited upon the sons. Hey, that's in the Bible, so don't anyone harsh on me for saying here. ;)
BlackHound posted over a year ago
im sorry but i think thats a bit harsh
loverofthearts posted over a year ago
Hey, that's fine, just a different point of view. :-)
BlackHound posted over a year ago
Vixie79 said:
No one deserves to be tormented like that. It's emotionally and psychologically damaging. I loath James for what he did and all because he was just bored and Snape just happen to be there. It was wrong and I forever hate James for it. I don't care how many people dismiss it or make excuses for him. As far as I'm concerned Lily didn't deserve Snape at all, but James and Lily sure deserved each other.

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posted over a year ago 
Do you think Lily deserves James because she chose him over Snape?
Kylie90210 posted over a year ago
@Vixie: Lily made a choice. By the time Lily and James married, she and Severus hadn't been speaking for several years.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
ya its amazing
loverofthearts posted over a year ago
shivers-zimmy said:
The way the movie put it, no.

But in the book Snape was every bit as mean. How can you call your best friend a mudblood?

I'm not saying I agree with the bullying, but then again, that makes Snape a bully too.
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posted over a year ago 
Have you not read the entire arguement on this page? If James Potter had never put Severus in that postiton,he would never have called Lily a Mudblood. No, Snape was not the bully.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
So I guess from my lack of expierence with getting bullied then I probably shouldn't have answered because I don't know what I'm talking about? Cool.
shivers-zimmy posted over a year ago
That's not quite what I meant, but if you want to take it that way, that's up to you.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
BellatrixLOVER1 said:
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posted over a year ago 
candygirl2011 said:
as i didn't read the novel and i just watched the movie i'll say NOO!!but maybe in somehow that i don't kniw how in the novel he desereved it..(i really wanna read the harry potter novels*_*)
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posted over a year ago 
Do it! :)
Kylie90210 posted over a year ago
i will as soon as i buy the books:p.. A novel don't take time with me more than 2 weeks:p..i'm a books eater^_^
candygirl2011 posted over a year ago
ya they are really great books
loverofthearts posted over a year ago
simpleplan said:
Snape does not deserve it nor does Harry, Ron, hermione, Neville and so on but it still happens there really nothing you can do about it but disapprove of there actions the past is the past and you cant change it
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posted over a year ago 
thinking about it everthing that happened in HP happend for a reason
simpleplan posted over a year ago
wait watt don't harry ron hermione and neville deserve
loverofthearts posted over a year ago
ohh i get it now
loverofthearts posted over a year ago
dawnisbeauty said:
No.He didnt.James potter was arrogant and spoiled and had no excuse whatsoever to go and torment him.And no,Lily is not an excuse.James could have been a great hero in his later life, and I DO think he was brave and heroic and I DO understand he was just young and immature,but I think that what he did then to Snape was WRONG WRONG WRONG!
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posted over a year ago 
yes i think i speak for everyone when i say WE AGREE. im not saying lily was an excuse but that probably was one of the reasons he did it. that doesn't make it right though
loverofthearts posted over a year ago
dawnisbeauty posted over a year ago
MrsEmmaPeel said:
No. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. I wish poor Sev was never treated like that. He deserved a happier life than what he had.
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posted over a year ago 
well he could have had a happier life if he didn't go to voldemort
loverofthearts posted over a year ago
I don't believe he had the ability to reason that out after he and Lily split. Happiness no longer had meaning.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
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