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Harry Potter Question


What do you guys think of Alan Rickman as Prof. Snape? I think he is darn near PERFECT as Snape and brings him right off the page, but some asshole on IMDB said " Alan SUCKS and is a BAD SNAPE" and keeps ranting on and on about him and the whole movie series and how bad everything is. This guys doesn't explain why its bad or why he hates them or Alan, he just rants.

If you are going to hate something state specifically why. Geez. Of all the big movie franchises you cant deny that Harry Potter has an exceptional cast and they all bring their characters to life. That is why they succeed and are praised films.
Different strokes for different folks. You can't please everyone :)
yermam posted over a year ago
^ very good point
xharrypotterx posted over a year ago
 Persephone713 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

BlackHound said:
There isn't anyone else I would rather see as Severus Snape. But everyone's entitled to their own opinions.

That individual (I just read the whole thread there) is not the only one that dislikes Alan's Snape; only two of the posters apparently like his performance. Hey...what do you expect from some of the people who post on the IMdB filmboards? A lot of them are complete morons who barely have more than two brain cells to rub together. I've seen more stupidity and just sheer nastiness for the sake of being nasty on that site over the years than I care to recall, that's why I only go there when I absolutely have to.
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posted over a year ago 
OH-someone told me IMDB is a credible site, but Im starting to see that its no more credible than wikipedia
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
Oh, now...IMdB as a film database IS a credible site, but this is the discussion forums we're talking about here. You've got a bunch of morons who've been banned from other fan-forums who go there and flood the discussion forums with their venom, and brutally mob anyone who dares disagree with their opinions.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
This is the thread in question, for anyone who may be curious. link
BlackHound posted over a year ago
PaisleyPark said:
Who cares what one person thinks?

I agree that he is perfect as Snape too.
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posted over a year ago 
I just this guy was being a stupid jackhole.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
BlackSithis said:
Actually, many good points were made in that discussion. Maybe you are the one who doesn't respect other people's opinions and ignore comments that go against what you think? By the way, the title of the thread is not "Alan SUCKS and is a BAD SNAPE", but "Alan Rickman is a BAD Snape" and the first sentence in the OP's post is "Now don't get me wrong, I like my fair share of Rickman any day." Are you trying to mislead this site's users into agreeing with you and giving you positive comments?
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posted over a year ago 
Are you trying to bait us into a flamewar?
BlackHound posted over a year ago
And by the way, if that was the intent, I would not have personally posted the link to the thread in the first place. ;)
BlackHound posted over a year ago
I think you both are trying to start something......
kris10853 posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
I think Alan does a perfect Snape. (But, I think Alan does a perfect anything, I might be biased ;)) Although I have heard that he makes Snape "too pretty."

I agree though. I mean, I get that not everyone's going to share my opinion -- and that's fine -- but if you're going to take the time to type up that you hate/love something, at least say why you feel so strongly about it.
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posted over a year ago 
LOL-yeah he is TOO GOOD as Snape. Book Snape is gross, he is pretty
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
On the contrary, I find book Snape to be just as gorgeous as movie Snape.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
There's actually a wonderful article written by Racheline Maltese about her theory of Snape suffering from Celiac disease -- which explains everything from his greasey hair all the way down to his quick temper. link
bri-marie posted over a year ago
lilith84 said:
I don't really understand the need some people have to share the hate in the first place. I can understand stating you don't like something while debating a subject and then explain why you don't like it, but to just go and exclaim: 'I hate this/him/her etc', 'This sucks', in majority of cased written in chat speak is just stupid.

That being said, Alan Rickman is PERFECT as Snape, I don't care that he's too old, too pretty or whatever else people come up with. I don't think I could have imagined a better Snape while reading the book. We've had a discussion on the Snape spot about the 'too pretty' factor and I think people are too fast in accepting what they read. We see Snape through Harry's eyes and we all know that Harry isn't the most subjective person when it comes to the Potions Master. I personally find the book version of Snape very acctractive as well, though I have to say, with Alan's face and most importantly, with Alan's voice, I don't think anybody could have wished for a better Snape :)
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posted over a year ago 
Well Said. - I like your Icon, I feel like that somedays.
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
Very well said indeed! :)
xElvenPiratex posted over a year ago
ShiaiyaAbunai said:
Ugh! Alan Rickman is an AMAZING Snape! You put it perfectly, he brings him right off the pages! Whoever's saying that needs to STFU! Goll!
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks. Its not that someone cant have a different opinion, but STATE WHY you hate him
Persephone713 posted over a year ago
delamico said:
Alan Rickman is a great actor. Severus Snape is a funny character. By funny I mean controversial. The most controversial character of the whole series even though everybody fell for him after book seven. Which, from one point of view, is pleasing to know, because it's an evidence that romance has not yet left the world as I sometimes have the impression observing this wonderful generation of ours. However, from another point of view it makes me understand how love is not only blind, but deaf and dumb too, just like the three monkeys, who see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. However, observing our generation you can also detect the ruling idea of liberalism too, which enables imdb users to express their opinions on Alan Rickman and Severus Snap without forcing them to give their reasons for such dislike they behold for the two. Especially that we can, in my opinion, agree that Severus Snape was not one of top performances of Alan Rickman.
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posted over a year ago 
Actually, I believe SS is one of Alan's top performances. But then, I also find great satisfaction in Marvin the Paranoid Android and Absalom, both of which are characters he merely voiced. He's great no matter what he does. :-D
BlackHound posted over a year ago
I like him as the lord of Nottingham in Robin Hood the best... :)
delamico posted over a year ago
LadyNottingham said:
Who cares ? Those who love Alan's works won't give a damn about this because they already know the true value of his works. Those who do not know him - well I don't think they spend their time on the IMDB forums.

People get there to have information about movies. End of the story.

As for whether Alan did a wonderful Severus, yes, he did. He'll be hard to replace if they make a series or another movies in let's say, 20 odd years !

Let's remember that the book!Severus is described through Harry's eyes. Heck, my eyes are not Harry's. So why not having an attractive Severus, even if he is darkly attractive. His voice, his manly stature, his prestance, his being a Dominant male, all this could not be seen by a male teenager (of course !). I'm glad that Alan had been chosen to embody Severus. He was a perfect cast and let's say it : he truly deserves an Oscar for that part throughout the whole series. His acting was just superb and brilliant.

(How much I love this picture of him... *sigh*)
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Who cares ? Those who love Alan's works won't give a damn about this because they already know the true value of his works. Those who do not know him - well I don't think they spend their time on the IMDB forums. 

People get there to have information about movies. End of the story.

As for whether Alan did a wonderful Severus, yes, he did. He'll be hard to replace if they make a series or another movies in let's say, 20 odd years !

Let's remember that the book!Severus is described through Harry's eyes. Heck, my eyes are not Harry's. So why not having an attractive Severus, even if he is darkly attractive. His voice, his manly stature, his prestance, his being a Dominant male, all this could not be seen by a male teenager (of course !). I'm glad that Alan had been chosen to embody Severus. He was a perfect cast and let's say it : he truly deserves an Oscar for that part throughout the whole series. His acting was just superb and brilliant.

(How much I love this picture of him... *sigh*)
posted over a year ago 
TheHPMerlinFan said:
I don't really fancy his character but Alan is an amazing actor!
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posted over a year ago 
teeheelolz said:
We all have different opinions and we have to respect that even when people can't back up their reasons. They don't have to explain themselves. I personally think he's an amazing actor and they couldn't have found a better one.
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posted over a year ago 
dustfinger said:
The people on IMDB have always been picky assholes. Don't let it get to you. If you like something, don't let other people get you down about it because you'll never get up again.
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posted over a year ago 
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