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Harry Potter Question

is its just me or is Harmony fans really bitter,that Harry&Hermione dont end up together? if romione my favorite couple,not have been together,i had be sad,but get over it.

 Lackson4ever85 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

bri-marie said:
I'm going to have say - based on my own experiences and the majority of the answers here - that it's just you. link it's the people who picked Hermione that get called idiots first. And again this link it's the Harmione fans that are attacked and berated.

JK isn't God. Not only can she make mistakes, but readers can disagree with what she does. Thinking she made a mistake putting Harry with Ginny (or Ron with Hermione) isn't any different than thinking she made a mistake killing off a certain character, or handling a situation a certain way.

I'm not bitter about the fact the Harmione didn't happen. I am, however, fed up with the derogatory comments and insinuations about how I think and feel about the "end game" couples.
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posted over a year ago 
Amen! :D
Violeteyes3003 posted over a year ago
I second you!
emilykuru posted over a year ago
I couldn't agree more. As much as I would've loved H/Hr to be explored in a romantic way, I'm kind of glad JKR didn't go that way given her take on romanric relationships. Frankly, I think she would have runed their beautiful friendship, and for that I am glad that fanfiction exists. NO canon fans, it's not the fact that Harmony wasn't canon that upsets us. It's the way we were treated by the fandom for having different beliefs from canon itself that makes me bitter and sad. It's like anyone who ships Drarry or Snarry gets crapped at the way we do, but somehow according to people in the fandom shipping H/Hr islike confessing to being a nazi. *eyeroll*
glumchum posted over a year ago
Silverdoe said:
I respect J.K's decision and right to put whichever of her characters together but it doesn't mean I have to agree with it.

I wouldn't say I'm bitter about her decision but I'm more disappointed and sad. I think she made a mistake and missed good opportunities in putting Harry and Hermione together.

But I do respect peoples opinions. We all like different pairings and there's nothing wrong with that. It's good to have variety.
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posted over a year ago 
Hraesvelg said:
I ship Harry and Hermione and I just pretend book 7 didn't happen. There's nothing to get over. I live in my own world. XD
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posted over a year ago 
well,i think so. you should be happy for yours characters is happy:)
Lackson4ever85 posted over a year ago
hey I'm a harmonian too and in my mind they are the couple and I got over it (in the sense that I dont shout people off for being Romione fans) but I will defend Harmony if anyone dares to put it down i front of me!
emilykuru posted over a year ago
Good for you Emily:) you should support your couple,and i guess i do the same:D
Lackson4ever85 posted over a year ago
^ yeah! :D
emilykuru posted over a year ago
Darkshine said:
They're fictional characters.
There's nothing to be really bitter about.
At least it's how it seems to me.
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posted over a year ago 
yeah im agree about that:)
Lackson4ever85 posted over a year ago
Pensieve_Seeker said:
When you read the books with a subjective bias in mind as to which characters will be paired off together instead of reading them objectively, then, imo, you are setting yourself up for potential disappointment.
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posted over a year ago 
thats true.
Lackson4ever85 posted over a year ago
Ms_Mea said:
I dunno about any other Harmony fans, but I ain't bitter...Sure, I'm sad they didn't get together and I honestly think JKR and Hermione probably made a huge mistake, but it's her mistake.
In my mind, Harmony or Dramione got together...there was no Romione :) (That's what fanfiction's for right?)
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posted over a year ago 
Romione was always right in my head,its was never harmony because they truely are like brother and sister and The Dramione shippers is better that harmony,but really ureal,because they hate each other
Lackson4ever85 posted over a year ago
^that is a matter of opinions. so at the end it comes down to how you interpret it. :)
emilykuru posted over a year ago
^ to be frank I really don't get it :/
Ms_Mea posted over a year ago
alisonfaith297 said:
i was a harmony fan but i'm not bitter. i actually dont care much for the love story. i think the only reason is there is that JKR just wanted to attract more readers and people always love a story. this is just my opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
kinda agree about this :)
Lackson4ever85 posted over a year ago
emilykuru said:
First of all thanks for asking this question as I wanted to actually talk about this.

I am a harmonian! I ship Harry and Hermione together! And as for your question - I dont care if JKR chose Romione, in my mind I always support Harmony. And I dont see any reason to get bitter as in my mind it is always Harmony. Forget that the epilogue ever existed!

But most Harmony fans are not bitter like you think.In fact to be honest it is some Romionians who are bitter.If you dont trust me go to the Harmony club and see how many unwelcomed Romionians swarm around there raining on others parade. I personally think that such people who cant tolerate other shippings should stay to ther own favourite clubs instead of pestering others. Not that all Romione fans are like that.There are few who respect others decision too. Take me for instance, I am a Harmony fan but I dont snap at every other Romione fan for supporting them. Most times it is Romionians who pull off the fight by saying rude things. (I can even give you links to those pages if you want)

So in the end this is what I'm telling.It is not a case of who acts bitter. It is a case of respecting others decision and when some immature people cant do that then it comes down to all these shipping wars.

So, I am a Harmony fan.You are a Romione fan. I respect your decision. And inturn I think I deserve some respect from your side too. You cant excpect everyone to have the same view as yours. Then we wont even have this world with different people. - if people start thinking this way then there wont be any unnecessary fights.

In the end, I still support Harmony and I dont think I ever get bitter or angry until someone really annoys me (that is if they put down Harmony in front of me). So there you go, here is my answer + solution to this.
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posted over a year ago 
well i agree about that,i try to respect the harmony fans,but they i have meet,have been really rude to me,so then i have been rude to they do,someone of the harmony fans is really forward and i try to not care,but i do,since im Romione fan,but most of harmony fans is nice,but theyi have meet have been rude,i dont try to hurt someone,but they i have meet so far,is really bitter.
Lackson4ever85 posted over a year ago
I have to admit, Romione fans do get quite vicious. I mean, they not only like to attack Harmony fans, but Dramione fans too :/ I would know. I can also give a link if you like
Ms_Mea posted over a year ago
^yeah. I know - i have a very good experience on that part.
emilykuru posted over a year ago
Violeteyes3003 said:
I'm not going to pretend. Yes, I'm bitter in the fact that Harry and Hermione don't end up together when I wholeheartedly believe that they belong together.

I'm sick of the argument that Harry and Hermione are like siblings and they behave like it. They don't. Ron and Hermione act like siblings. They bicker and fight about every little thing and they go without talking for days, giving the cold shoulder, which is what siblings do.

Harry and Hermione have mutual respect and loyalty to each other and it's never wavered. They've stuck together through every thick and thin moment.

I truly believe that J.K made a mistake. A big one.

I do respect the opinion of people who like Ron/Hermione but I don't have to like or agree with it and Ron/Hermione fans need to accept that we Harmony fans don't like the canon pairing. Why is it hard to accept?
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posted over a year ago 
well i not agree,but i dont want to fight. J.K doing the right thing:). for me Harmony have always be like siblings and Romione fight because they is jealous and love each other.
Lackson4ever85 posted over a year ago
Bravo :) Good answer. I totally agree
Ms_Mea posted over a year ago
yeah good answer!
emilykuru posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
I like Harry/Hermione but I'm cool with Ron/Hermione never really liked Harry/Ginny though
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posted over a year ago 
good:). im kinda agree about Harry&Ginny,is take some time before i ship them,but i think they are prefect together now,i ship Ginny&Neville and Harry ,well with no one before movie 4:)
Lackson4ever85 posted over a year ago
TsuQ said:
I think Harmony would be a better choice, but I can respect Romione in the sense that the ground work was certainly done for that pairing as well. The real slap in the face however is the way Harry was paired with Ginny out of the blue. Imagine if the plot was Harmony, and Ron ended up with Romilda or Lavender or something.
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posted over a year ago 
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