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Harry Potter Question

What first got you to start reading the Harry Potter books?

Example: you saw it on a bookshelf, someone read it and told you about it, saw the movie first, etc.
What first got you to start reading the Harry Potter books?
I first heard of it when my Father gave me books 1, 2, and 3 as a birthday present which was before the fourth book came out. Before that I had no clue who Harry Potter was.
dwg92987 posted over a year ago
 dwg92987 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

UmOkayThen said:
My sister is completely obsessed, so I was like eh, I'll read it. I've been to every midnight release with her at Barnes and Noble. Good times, good times :) i <3 Harry Potter (not as much as her)!
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posted over a year ago 
KishuandIchigo said:
Not too long ago... My sis wanted me to read either The first Harry Potter book, or a wolf book (She hadn't read Harry before then) chose HP. so after a few days, I got bored and read it.
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posted over a year ago 
Monrose said:
People always talked about it, and I love books, so I kinda have to read them. I'm at book 2 so far.
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posted over a year ago 
Eirinaki_b_13 said:
In the summer holidays (this year actually) I went to my aunts house for 2,5 weeks. My cousin had HP and the order of the Phoenix, so i thought i could read it. I had also seen the first movie so i knew some stuff. When i read it i loved it and wanted to read them all and watch the movies!
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posted over a year ago 
Hey I Reread Them This Summer! Cool! :)
shivers-zimmy posted over a year ago
Eirinaki_b_13 posted over a year ago
HLforever said:
When I was really little, before I could even read, I started listening to the HP audiobooks narrated by Jim Dale (who is a genius, by the way). I basically grew up on those, and that's what really started by HP obsession...and my love of books in general.
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posted over a year ago 
madelinestar714 said:
when i was really little my grandma got me the box set of books 1-3 but i was too young so i couldnt read them so i got my mom to read them to me but since i was like 4 i didnt really understand it.when i was a bit older tho i saw harry potter and the chamber of secrets movie at my friends house so i wanted to read the book but my mom said i should start at book 1 so i did and was instantly hooked! i started reading the books when i was in grade 2 and i ended in grade 5 and i ve now read them all more than 5 times, i love them so much!
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posted over a year ago 
lienemikelsone said:
A friend of my sister gave it to her, but in the beginning I didn't like it.. I only read it a year later. Don't know why ;D
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posted over a year ago 
Vixie79 said:
The POA movie trailer.
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posted over a year ago 
elmi said:
Saw the movies first always knew the books r better so read them! And I am ahuge fan of it now!
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posted over a year ago 
Ash24 said:
got the first two books as birthday presents when i was 7, though didnt take much interest till the movie came out later that year, read them and have been a absolute fan ever since :D
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got the first two books as birthday presents when i was 7, though didnt take much interest till the movie came out later that year, read them and have been a absolute fan ever since :D
posted over a year ago 
slytherinangel said:
LOL I stole the first Harry Potter book from the boy I had a crush on back in 3rd grade and checked it out and read it..making me a Potterhead!
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posted over a year ago 
demigod_wizard said:
After watching CoS I fell in love with HP,a I just had to read the books.My first one was OotP!
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posted over a year ago 
Aubreykarew said:
My uncle told me that my cousin reads this and i must try it out !! So after i got the first book i became hooked
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posted over a year ago 
raelyn120 said:
my grandma gave me the first 4 when i was younger and eventually i picked one up. i was in third grade, so ive loved hp for six years
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posted over a year ago 
alicerox1 said:
when i was like in kindergarten my brother forced my dad to read them to me and that got me hooked and that was the first book i read by myself
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posted over a year ago 
LifesGoodx3 said:
Well I had seen the movies and I thought they were cool, so I asked for the first book for Christmas. Keep in mind, that was years ago. I didn't read the book.

I only read it when I found it a couple months ago. I put it on my dresser, unsure if I was going to read it. That night I had a dream that I read it & loved it, so I decided I'd read it. I'm glad I had that dream xD
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posted over a year ago 
tammy63 said:
I saw the first film, then went the my local libaray for the first book but it was'nt in so I got the fourth book, had no clue who half the charaters were.
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posted over a year ago 
The Fourth Book Is Like The Actual Beggining! The Real Killings Begin And Voldemort Returns! It's Like Amazing! :)
shivers-zimmy posted over a year ago
josy_log3 said:
My aunt bought Book 1 for my cousin, and maybe he could start the habit of reading, of course he didn´t. Instead,I took the book just to check it out...and once you start it you can´t stop. Then I started to buy the books on my own because the inevitable was happened... ¡I get obsessed with the story!
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posted over a year ago 
laughingGrl said:
my sister was reading them. i started reading them around the time the 1st movie came out. not sure which i did first, but i was around 6 or 7. i was (& am) such a nerd kid, i would read them when i should have been sleeping. :)
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posted over a year ago 
shivers-zimmy said:
When My Older Sister Chelsea Got Addicted And Read Them To Me In Variouse British Accents! I Love Her To Pieces For Showing Me This-I Love Her Anyway Though! :)
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posted over a year ago 
nor_way said:
my b.f.f is a "harry potter freak" and she always talks about it .
and always tell me 2 read it but i used to ignore her till one day she made read the first chapter of the PS. and i fell in love with HARRY POTTER and every thing about it and couldn't let it go till i finished the series.
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posted over a year ago 
harryisthebest said:
i was in 3nd grade and i see asix grader reading them and asked it they where good and he said yes and then i read them
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posted over a year ago 
MovieFreakGirl said:
In my 5th grade class we read the Sorcerers Stone and I was hooked imediately. I think it was because I was the same age as Harry was in the book. After that I limited myself to one a year because I liked staying around the same age as Harry. I guess that might be wierd? Anyway I have grown up with Harry, Ron, & Hermione and nothing will ever take their place.
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posted over a year ago 
KnougeChick said:
Well. It's a long story. Basically what happened was my best friend would always tell me about them, then one day the first movie was being played on TV, so I decided to watch it. I only saw a little bit of it before I had to go to bed. Then we were at the library, and I asked if we could get the first Harry Potter. (Which she thought was Chamber of Secrets. XD) I went to school the next day and started to read it, and my best friend said that I was reading the second, so she grabbed the first and handed it to me. I face palmed, put the second book into my backpack, then started to read the first book. (Which I finished in less than 24 hours of pretty much non-stop reading.)
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posted over a year ago 
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