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Harry Potter Question

HELP! my best friend is a twihard

help me!!!! my bezzie turned into a complete Twitard! well, the symptoms:
a) she carries a Twilite saga book EVERYWHERE
b) she is a total HP anti
c) she says Alan Rickman is an old perv
d) she convinces other people to read Breaking Dawn and these pseudo sex scenes
e) she says "OH JASPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" in every sentence,
and so on.
would anyone here help me?
So are mine... i'm afraid that we just have to deal with it... or write them an essay on why Harry Potter is the best ever! That's what i did! Can you tell, i'm a bit neeky?!
mimifaith posted over a year ago
 vskparaimer posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

XDRoseLuvsHP said:
Normally I'd just say don't pay attention. However, if she's insulting HP, I'd be pretty pissed too.

This is what I'd do.

a) Carry a Harry Potter book EVERYWHERE
b) Act like a total Twilight Anti, but only when she's being a total HP Anti, and explain thoroughly why HP is better :D
c) Say that Jackson Rathbone is an ugly douchebag who could never compare to the glory of Alan Rickman
d) Convince them why NOT to read Breaking Dawn; talk about the total anti-climax, the pro-pedophilia messages, and more. Then, convince them to read the Harry Potter Series
e) Say, "OH DRACO!!!!!!!" as often as possible
f) Refer to Harry Potter things in such a way that she would have absolutely no idea what you are talking about (be sure to use words and phrases such as SPEW, Winky, Boggart, Muggle, Horcrux, Dementor, Gringotts, Hogsmede, The Hogs Head, The Deathly Hallows, The Elder Wand, The Resurrection Stone, The Invisibility Cloak, Apparate, Apparition License, Butterbeer, Firewhisky, Animagus, Metamorphmagus, Azkaban, Hippogriff, Buckbeak, Blast Ended Skrewt, Flobberworm, Crumplehorned Snorkack, The Quibbler, The Daily Profit, The Ministry of Magic, Pensive, etc.)
g) Discuss Quidditch like you would Baseball (or Football or Soccer or any other sport) and don't shut up about it (go on about your favorite team, such as the Chudley Cannons, etc.)
h) Challenge her; she has to come up with 100 legitimate reasons as to why Twilight is better, and be able to explain them, while you come up with 100 as to why HP is better. You can debate against her points until she has very few, and it is clear who the winner is :D
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posted over a year ago 
Yes! *votes best answer*
volleyblue13 posted over a year ago
sleazy_weasley posted over a year ago
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Kadaj said:
If you are her friend then you wouldn't care what she likes.
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posted over a year ago 
awesome answer!!!!!!!!!!! :)
ajhalecullen posted over a year ago
thanks ^_^
Kadaj posted over a year ago
BoltsBiggestFan said:
They're ur bezzie mate, yes? invite them for a sleepover then put on all the HP films, straight from Philoshopher's Stone, right up to Half Blood Price, and then conviscate their Twilight books without them knowing. Then start a bonfire with them! XD That's what i'd do.
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posted over a year ago 
vanillaicecream said:
only joking :)

1. Steal their copy of Twilight and replace it with one of your Harry Potter books in a Twilight dust jacket.

2. Tell them that Edward is a "hand-me-down" because the Twilight movies got him after the Harry Potter movies were finished with him.

3. List other "hand-me-downs" from the books, like the last names of Black and Clearwater...

4. State that you think Edward would be hotter if he had a lightning scar on his forehead.

5. "Accidentally" call Edward, Sanguini.

6. Explain in detail how any wizard can possess all the gifts (seeing the future, reading minds, etc.), that a vampire would only have one of.

7. Whenever they mention Jacob Black, innocently ask if they meant Stubby Boardman.

8. Say that Bella and Filch would make a cute couple.

9. Flinch whenever they say "Edward" and tell them to say "You-Know-Who."

10. Whenever they describe the vampires of the Twilight series (sparkly skin, no fangs, etc.), contradict them, and tell them what "real" vampires, out of Harry Potter, are like.

11. Explain how Twilight werewolves are really Animagi, and ask whether they've registered with the Ministry.

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posted over a year ago 
thats what i like.
vskparaimer posted over a year ago
thanks :) wanna try it?
vanillaicecream posted over a year ago
sure we all luv mugglenet ;P
vskparaimer posted over a year ago
lol i love the you-know-who thing! :L
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
meggymayhem said:
wot is one of them

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posted over a year ago 
ThatDamnLlama said:
I'm sorry about that. For me, most of my friends have read the Twilight series. They either thought it was okay, or they thought it was laughable, like I do. And also like me, most of them like/love the Harry Potter books. The rest never read the books, but they like the movies. So basically, I don't have to deal with any Twihards, which means I don't know what it's like. Just tell your friend to shut up and to stop having sexual fantasies with Jasper.
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posted over a year ago 
dustfinger said:
I would ignore it. Also tell her to tone it down a bit. Also do act like a big HP fan? If you do, stop it and then she'll stop it too.
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posted over a year ago 
friendsfan101 said: with it??

LOL if you do the same thing with HP, either dial it down and she might too

dial it up so that she'll get annoyed and you tell her that until she tones down the Twilight stuff, you won't dial down the HP.

But just deal with it. Your friend likes Twilight and not
Talk to her about it, or just freakishly annoy her by doing the same exact thing.

I like both books so I really don't care, LOL, but I guess that you can tell her why HP is definitely better!

1. REAL men don't "sparkle".
2. HP has the romance AND the action without making it like a chick flick.
3. HP can be read by both adults AND kids.
4. HP attracts an audience of people who are boys or girls...unlike Twilight, which mostly attracts girls.
5. The actors in HP DON'T look like demented freaks.

And so on and so on....
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posted over a year ago 
VanessaR said:
Oh, I know how that feels, my best friend loves Twilight, I love HP. But as long as I don't hate on Twilight, she won't hate on HP. =)

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posted over a year ago 
lucky you!
vskparaimer posted over a year ago
my bestie and I are on the same agreement, If I don't talk bout HP she won't start about Twilight.
CaptinLiz posted over a year ago
1-2vampire said:
1. Everytime she mentions Twilight, cover your ears and go la-la-la and if she goes "what" say, oh nothing I just don't think my braincells like the mention of... "that book"

2. Say that it is not a saga but something SMeyer sneezed out and handed to a publisher.

3. "Accidently" wonder out loud which publisher SMeyer slept with to get Twilight published.

4. Be a total Twilight anti when she is a HP anti and give a details explanation as to why HP is amazing

5. Use HP related terms such as "I wonder when the Quiditch match against Hufflepuff is.. I really need to go to practise more often." or "Proffessor Flitwick wants me to practice the Wingardium Leviosa charm so I'm sorry but I won't be able to make it on Saturday." or something like that.

5. Wonder where Edward's fairy princess wings are kept.

6. Always carry a HP book with you.

7. Get people to read HP by saying how amazing and exciting it is.

8. when she's over your house, look up "anti-twilight" pictures or go on the "Harry Potter vs. Twilight" spot and show her how many people hate Twilight and what their reasons are.

9. Whenever they say "Bella" add on "trix"

10. Ask her if Edward's so perfect why is Bella so miserable all the time.

11. Whenever they take out a Twilight book or anything gasp and cover you're eyes saying "it burns! OWW IT BURNS PUT IT AWAY! OW MY POOR LITTLE BRAINCELLS!"

12. Ask her why Cedric Diggory sparkles.

13. Tell her that RPattz hates Twilight (which is true) and that he thinks its like reading into SMeyers pesonal fantasies.

14. Compare a description of Bella to a picture of SMeyer whenever shes there.

15. Tell her where Twilight came from (SMeyer's wet dreams)

15. When shes over, type in google "The Aids of Liturature" and google will say "did you mean: the twilight saga" this actually works btw.

And then just say how great HP is ALL the time :)x
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posted over a year ago 
I like no.9
nisrn posted over a year ago
potterandtdi said:
I think you should just live with it. When you want to watch a HP movie, she should deal with it. You two could compare the books, like Remus and If she wants to watch a Twilight movie, you can deal with it. After all, Harry Potter is longer. You could compare the two books, like Remus and Jacob, and see how much alike and different they are. Tell her to knock it off saying,"OH JASPER!" If that doesn't work, just either do plan a or b:

Plan A: Don't talk about the books at all.

Plan B: Cut the crap and ditch her.

hmmm... Plan B could work...
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posted over a year ago 
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